Carers Week Home & Garden Furniture for the Elderly

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Garden Furniture Resources for the Elderly or Less Able

It can be very difficult and awkward for the old or disabled to access traditional garden chairs (see new for 2017 furniture site here ). This is due to them being quite low down, and often with flimsy armrests which make getting in and out of them tricky, as it requires a lot of upper body strength. It also makes it difficult to sit for long periods, as often the lumbar support will not be adequate enough for someone who is frail or has had recent injuries or surgery in the lower back area. This is why we always recommend you choosing a high backed chair, that also has thick and sturdy arm rests, and can recline to an angle that supports the person’s natural sitting position. To the best of our knowledge, currently the best UK retailer for this is, who offer a range of reclining furniture ( that is both sturdy and supportive. It has the added benefit of being weatherproof, meaning you can leave it outside all year round, without having to strain yourself to get it inside. You can also browse our news section:

Updated October 2017: We now advise you to purchase a high backed reclining garden chair for better lumbar support and comfort outside (note if you have a medical condition always consult your doctor first), learn more here: